MSP Mastered® The Cloud Computing Primer


The MSP Mastered® 21-page Cloud Computing Primer defines Cloud Computing Services, their benefits, and how to market, price, sell, and manage them effectively.

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In The MSP Mastered® 21-Page Cloud Computing Primer provides information to help you and your staff understand what Cloud Computing Services are, the benefits of adopting them into your deliverables and how to market, price, sell and manage them effectively. In addition, the concepts shared in this guide can be used to educate your prospects and customers on the benefits of Cloud Computing and why they should consider adopting these solutions in their businesses.


  1. Introduction
  2. What is Cloud Computing?
  3. The 5 Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
  4. The 3 Cloud Computing Service Models
  5. Cloud Service Examples
  6. Cloud Service Model Architectures
  7. The 4 Cloud Computing Services Deployment Models
  8. Common Characteristics of Cloud Computing Services
  9. Software as a Service Benefits
  10. Infrastructure as a Service Benefits
  11. Platform as a Service Benefits
  12. The Business Case for Adopting Cloud Computing as a Provider
  13. Pricing Cloud Computing Services
  14. Determining Your Predominant Business Model
  15. Determining and Developing a Cloud Services Offering
  16. Determining True Costs of Service Delivery
  17. Determining Retail Pricing
  18. Marketing Cloud Computing Services
  19. Cloud Services Marketing Tools
  20. Developing Effective Marketing Messages
  21. Leveraging Websites
  22. White Paper Marketing
  23. Case Study Marketing
  24. Electronic Newsletter Marketing
  25. Tracking and Measuring Marketing Activity